Chop chat chew

CHOP CHAT CHEW is a fun and free cooking program run once per week over 5 weeks. Times and dates vary with location and it is available for delivery in a range of locations, e.g. Bemboka, Quaama, Eden, Bega and more.

Open to all genders, all ages, all abilities and for small groups of 8 to 10 people. Each group is led by two volunteers who love cooking and are good with people.

The groups are more about bringing people together over an enjoyable activity rather than turning out master chefs. You'll try out new recipes, or bring your own to share. Everything is provided - food, aprons, manual and venue. Check out our Facebook page for more information or call the number below.

More information

For more information,

Chop Chat Chew is supported by funding from
COORDINARE - South Eastern NSW PHN though the
Australian Government’s PHN Program

Click here to check out our
Chop Chat chew cookbook